Warmly welcome the leaders of Hitachi Construction Machinery (China) to visit Xuvol factory for guidance


On April 18, leaders of Hitachi Construction Machinery Sales (China) Co., Ltd. visited Xuvol for exchanges and guidance, visited the Xuvol factory and held an exchange symposium. Xuvol General Manager Ban Huadian, Xuvol Factory Deputy Director Yang Zhenhe and other leaders warmly received the guests.

The Hitachi Construction Machinery Sales (China) delegation visited the Xuvol factory accompanied by Yang Zhenhe, deputy director of the Xuvol factory, and learned about Xuvol's corporate development history, main product categories, business management concepts, corporate honors and Have an in-depth understanding and understanding of future development plans and other situations.

At the exchange meeting, Ban Huadian first expressed a warm welcome on behalf of the company to the Hitachi Construction Machinery Sales (China) delegation for their visit for exchange and guidance.

During the exchange, Ban Huadian said that Xuvol has been committed to improving product technological innovation and independent research and development capabilities, and introduced in detail the advantages of Xuvol's mechanical products and products.

This event not only strengthened the exchanges between Xuvol and Hitachi Construction Machinery Sales (China), but also contributed to the process of Xuvol products going global, and also provided new ideas and directions for future cooperation between the two parties.


---------------- XUVOL ----------------

Rooted in fertile soil, pursuing dreams far and wide

Committed to the development of full-process mechanization of forestry and construction machinery attachments